Wetherby Civic Society formally came into being in March 1994 and is registered as a Charitable Trust, with the following aims and objectives:
- Promote Civic Pride along with high standards of architecture and town planning.
- Encourage Improvements in public amenities throughout the town.
- Influence Development of the built environment and the culture of our town.
Over the last 25 years the Society has:
- Planted over 400 trees on public and open spaces in the town.
- Published the Wetherby Historic Town Trail and a guide to the Conservation Area.
- Encouraged the placing of Blue Plaques on historic buildings and new noteworthy developments.
- Created this Website celebrating the history of the town and its people.
- Responded to and influenced Planning Applications to ensure that new developments are appropriate and in keeping with the historic town centre.
- Agreed a rolling programme of town centre footpath and street lighting improvement with Leeds Highway Authority and Wetherby Town Council.
- Taken Part in the nationwide Heritage Open Days programme
- Conducted Historic Town Trail Walks for the Wetherby Arts Festival and other organisations.
- Offered our Members a Varied Programme of talks and visits to historic houses, gardens and buildings.
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Membership and its Benefits
Membership is open to any person interested in the wellbeing of our town.
The more who join, the more we can do together.
It is the Society’s membership subscriptions that provide the funds enabling it to carry out its tasks.
Benefits Include:
- A right to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting.
- Advance notice of events organised by the Society.
- Invitations to share and participate in specific projects.
- Members may bring their friends to meetings and outings