The photographs show the care and attention taken by Pullan’s of Wetherby, when planting this years native trees. The time to plant each year, is decided annually by the suppliers of the trees, which are all bare rooted, (not container grown) as they tend to survive better.
This years native trees were an ash (Fraxinus excelsior), whitebeam (Sorbus aria), oak (Quercus robur), aspen (Populus tremula) and an alder (Alnus glutinosa).
The preparation to plant begins with staking out each location at 10 metre centres, next the digging of each individual pit by hand. Tree fertiliser and an amount of compost is then added to the soil removed, the protective cage is then partially erected, the new tree is then planted, with care being taken to spread the roots, next it is staked and tied with a flexi-tie, and carefully backfilled.
A weed mat is then installed around the base of each tree to prevent weed growth, chippings are then placed over the mat, and the cage is then finally closed.
Most trees located on the Ings have become Memorials for Civic Society members or other Wetherby Families.
— PeterMaun – 09 Apr 2008